学习啦 > 学习方法 > 小学学习方法 > 三年级方法 > 三年级英语 >


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1.do not (缩写形式)_____ 2.I’d(完全形式) _____ 3.plates (单数 ) _____

4.old(反义词)_____ 5.hot(反义词)_____ 6. mother(对应词) _____

7. in (反义词) _____ 8.drink(现在分词)_____

9. eat(现在分词) _____ 10. black (反义词 ) _____


( ) 1. — How ____ glasses of milk ?

— ______ .

A. many, Fifteen   B. much, Thanks   C. many, No

( ) 2. ____ likes salt on porridge.

A. I   B. She   C. You

( ) 3. — _____ sweater is this ?

— It’s mine.

A. Who   B. Whose   C. What

( ) 4. _____ is Lucy. Is it _____ dress ?

A. It her   B. She her   C. This she

( ) 5. — Where is your blouse ?

— _______.

A. It’s in my bag.   B. It’s white.

C. This is my book.


1.当你想问对方“这是你的围巾吗?”应说:________ ?

A. Are this your scarf ?

B. Is this your scarf ?

C. Are this your scarfs ?

2. 当你想说“这件外套太小了”你应说:________.

A. This coat is too new.

B. This coat are too big.

C. This coat is too small.

3. 当你想问今天是星期几时,应说:________ ?

A. What day is it today ?

B. How day is this today ?

C. Which day is it today ?

4. 当你让别人穿上衣服时,应说:________.

A. Put at you clothes.

B. Put on your clothes.

C. Put in you clothes.

5. 当你建议大家一起唱歌时,应说:________.

A. Let’s eat !

B. Let’s sing a song !

C. Let’s dringk !


1. Li Ming ________ (put on) his shoes.

2. He ________ (give) me some ________(juice) to drink.

3. I do ________(I) homework in the afternoon.

4. I ________(have) a pair of shoes.

5. I would like two ________ (bottle) of ________ (pop).


( )1.Are you ready to order?

( )2.May I borrow your book?

( )3.Nice to meet you !

( )4.What would you like ?

( )5.How much is that?

A. Nice to meet you, too.

B. Yes.

C. Fifteen yuan.

D. Sure.

E.I’d like some rice and milk.




1.We are making ___________ for mum and dad.

2. Can Daming __________fast?

3. In England people use a _________ and ____________.

4. Look! That ________ is Lingling’s mother.


1. ( )Amy is _____ the flute.   A. playing   B. play   C.plays

2. ( ) It’s hard ______ Chinese people.   A.of   B.on   C.for

3. ( ) That is ______ shirt.   A. Amy   B. Amy’s   C. Amys

4. ( ) --You are a clever boy. ---_________   A. No.   B. Thank you.   C. Yes.

5. ( )Can I have _________ ice cream?   A.an   B.a   C. the

6. ( ) Go and make a cake _________.   A. in   B. instead   C. stead.

7. ( )There are two__________.   A. mans   B. man   C. men

8. ( ) Amy is going to ________.   A. do high   B. do jump   C. do high jump

9. ( ) This fish can ___________.  A. swim   B swimming   C swims

10. ( ) __________you sad?   A. Is   B. Are   C. Am


1.( ) What are those?   A. There are 10.

2.( ) Have you got a teddy bear?   B.No, I can’t.

3.( ) Can you jump far?   C. They are cars.

4.( ) Has Sara got a cough ,too?   D. Yes, she has.

5.( ) How many people are there?   E. No, I’m not.

6.( ) What are you going to be ?   F. I’m fine.

7.( ) Are you going to go to Hong Kong?   G. I’m going to be a teacher.

8.( ) How are you ? H. No, I haven’t.

五、阅读选择正确答案 。

My name is Frank. I’m eight years old. This is my family. There is one boy. That’s me. There is one girl. She’s my sister. There is a man and a woman. They are my dad and my mum. We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see a film.

1.( ) How old is Frank.

A. 7  B. 8   C. 9

2.( ) How many people are there in Frank’s family?

A. Three   B. Four   C. Five.

3.( ) Are there two boys in Frank’s family?

A. Yes.   B. No.   C. I don’t know.

4.( ) Are there two women in Frank’s family?

A. Yes.   B. No  . C. I don’t know.

5.( ) What are they going to do?

A. They’re going to visit the zoo.   B.They’re going to the cinema.   C.They’re going to the shop.



I get up at 6:50 every morning.Then I put on my clothes and shoes.And I eat my breakfast at 7:20.I have milk,apple and break for breakfast.At 7:30,I go to school by bus.I arrive at school at 8:00.Then I begin my lessons at 8:20.I go home at 5:30 after school.

( )1.I_____ at 6:50 every morning.

A. work   B. get up   C. wake up

( )2.My breakfast is at_____

A. 7:20   B. 7:30   C. 7:00

( )3.I go to school_____.

A. by bus   B. by train   C. on foot

( )4.I_____ school at 8:00.

A. arrive at   B.arrive in   C.arrive

( )5.I_____ at 5:30.

A. go home   B.play football   C.sleep


My_____(名字)is Lynn. There are five people in my_____ (家庭). They_____ (是) my dad, my mum,my sister,my_____ (哥哥) and _____(我).I am the youngest(最年轻的) child at home.I am ten years old. Juliet is two years older than me. And my brother Tim is three years older than Juliet._____ (我们)love each other (彼此) very much. Dad _____ (工作) in a factory,and my mother is a _____ (教师)._____ (他们) both work very hard.We should (应该) also study hard (努力学习) to make our parents _____ (高兴).



hands , Jenny , black , doctor , window

1、Open the ____________.

2、Clap your ____________.

3、Let’s see the ______________.

4、My eyes are ___________.

5、My name is ___________.

Ⅱ . 选出不同类的单词。

( ) 1. A. warm B. cool C. green

( ) 2. A. eye B. nose C.left

( ) 3. A. ten B. five C. hand

( ) 4. A. pen B. hand C. ruler


( )1.—What colour is it? —It’s________

A.red B.big C.good

( )2.—________. —Nice to meet you ,too.

A. Hello . B. Nice to meet you. C. Hi.

( )3. —______________? —It’s a book.

A. What’s this? B. Where is the book? C. What colour is it?

( )4. —How do you feel ? —______________?

A.I feel tired. B. It’s a book . C. Six .

IV. 按要求完成句子.

1. my , leg , hurts (用所给单词仿照例句写句子)

>例: My head hurts .

2. are eyes His black (连词成句)


( ) 1. What colour is your hair?

( ) 2. Are you okay?

( ) 3.What’s the matter?

( ) 4. How many books do you have?

( ) 5. How are you ?

A. My head hurts. B. Six.

C. I’m fine, thanks. D .No, I’m sick.

E. My hair is black.

VI.阅读短文,对的在题前括号内打“√ ”,错的在题前括号内打“×”。

My name is Danny. My hair is black. I have three hairs. My eyes are black. I have two hands. My hands are green. I have eight fingers. I walk to school. I feel happy.

1、( ) My name is Jenny .

2、( ) I have three hairs.

3、( ) My eyes are black.

4、( ) I have ten fingers.

5、( ) I walk to school.  



1. ____Cc ____ 2. ____Oo ____ 3. ____M m ____ 4. ___________5. ____Ss____

二 、找出不同类的一项,把答案的序号填在括号内。

( )1.A. green

B. yellow

C. book

( )2.A. bag

B. blue

C. red

( )3.A. eraser

B. white

C. crayon

( )4.A. Hello

B. red

C. Hi

( )5.A. Good morning

B. Stand up

C. Good afternoon


( ) 1. —Good afternoon. — ____________

A. Hello B. Good afternoon.

( ) 2.— What’s your name? —_____________

A. I’m Mike. B. Bye, Tom.

( ) 3.— This is Mike. —________

A. Nice to meet you. B. I see red.

( ) 4. 你想介绍John给妈妈认识,你会说

A. Mum, this is John. B. Goodbye, John.

( ) 5. 下午遇见老师,你会这样打招呼

A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon.


( )1. pencil


( )2. book

B. 铅笔

( ) 3.bag

C. 书包

( ) 4.crayon

D. 橡皮

( )5.eraser



( ) 1.早上,你见到你的朋友,你应该怎样问候

A.Good morning. B. Good bye

( ) 2.当你把你的朋友介绍给别的伙伴时,你应该说

A. Nice to meet you. B. This is Miss Green.

( ) 3. 你想介绍John给妈妈认识,你会说

A. Mum, this is John. B. Goodbye, John.

( ) 4. 下午遇见老师,你会这样打招呼

A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon.

( )5. 别人对你说Goodbye时,你怎么回答?

A. Good morning. B. Bye!




( )1. A、mother B、brother C、teacher

( )2. A、duck B、desk C、chair

( )3. A.、plane B、pear C、banana

( )4. A、small B、monkey C、short

( )5. A、fifteen B、twelve C、friend

( )6. A、bike B、grape C、bus


1. Here you are

2. morning exercises

3. table tennis

4. go to school

5. go shopping

6. watch TV


( )1、— cats can you see?

—I can see twenty.

A、How B、What C、How many

( )2.I have 一 apple. Me too.

A、an B、a C、some

( )3 Who’s that man? He’s my ---

.A、mother B、father C、sister

( )4 Do you like oranges?—

A、Yes,I do. B、No,I do. C、Yes,I don’t.


( )1、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:

A、Who’s this boy? B、 Who’s that boy?

C、Who’s that girl?

( )2、想询问别人我的小汽车在哪里,应怎样问:

A、Where’s my car? B、Where’s my cat? C、This

is my car.

( )3、如果有人对你说:“I’m sorry.”你应该怎么回答:

A、Thank you. B、You’re welcome. C、it’s OK.

( )4、你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,应该这样问:

A、Where are you from? B、How are you? C、how

old are you?


( )1、Can I use用 your pencil?

A、我能借用你的钢笔吗? B、我能借用你的铅笔吗?

( )2、It has a long nose and a short tail.



( )3、Welcome back to school!

A、欢迎回到学校! B、让我们一起去学校!

( )4、Do you like pears?

A、你喜欢梨吗? B、你喜欢桃吗?


1. has .a. got .she. kite. ( . )

2. pen .where .the .is ( ? )

3. is .this .and .monkey .small .thin ( . )

























1.Jack: Nice to meet you, Lisa. Lisa: ________________.

A. Good morning.

B. Good bye, Jack.

C. Nice to meet you, too.

2.Jack: How are you, Peter? Peter: _________________.

A. Nice to meet you.

B. nice to meet you, too.

C. I’m fine, thank you.

3.Xiaolan: ________________ Tutu: Morning, Xiaolan.

A. Good bye, Tutu.

B. Good morning, Tutu.

C. Good afternoon, Tutu.

4.Jack: What’s your name? Lisa: ___________________.

A. I’m Peter.

B. My name is Lisa.

C. Hello, Jack.

5.Tutu: ___________________. Lisa: Goodbye!

A. See you.

B. Good morning.

C. Nice to meet you.



A. Is that your bike?

B. Is this your bike?

C. Is that a bike?


A. What’s your sister?

B. What’s your name?

C. What’s your sister’s name?


Tutu: _________________ Jack: I’m fine, and you? Tutu: _________________.

A. How are you? / I’m fine.

B. How are you? / I’m fine, too. Thank you.

C. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too.


A. Good night.

B. Nice to meet you.

C. I’m student.


A. Come on, Peter.

B. Come here, Peter.

C. Peter, good morning.


1.are How you ? ____________________________________________

2.This my friend is . ____________________________________________

3.this Is your pencil ? ________________________________________

4.down Put picture the . _________________________________________

5.too to you meet Nice . _______________________________________


一、用his, her, he 或she 填空

1. ________ is my grandfather. This is _________bicycle.

2. ________ is a girl. _________ has a nice bear.

3. ________ name is Kitty. ________ is a teacher.

4. My little brother’s name is Ben. ________ dog is 1 year old.

5. Who is _________? ________ is Dad.

6. ________ is Mrs. Wang. That’s ________ new bag


There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, my mother, my father, my sister and I. My grandma is old. She stays at home. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English. My father is a doctor. He is reading a book now. He is busy all the time. My sister, May, is 9. We are twins. We are in the same school, but in different(不同的)classes. We have a lot of friends here. We are doing our homework now.

( ) 1.My mother is a Chinese teacher.

( ) 2.My father is a doctor.

( ) 3.I'm twelve this year.

( ) 4. May and I are in the same class.

( ) 5. May is doing her homework now.


( )1. It is an _________ car.

A. orange B. blue C. ice cream

( )2. ______ you Mr Green ? No, I’m Uncle John.

A. Am B. Are C. Is

( )3.That nice jacket is for ______ mother.

A. I B. you C. my

( )4. He’s ________ Mike.

A. no B. yes C. not

( )5. ---What is this? --- ______.

A. This is a ball. B. It’s ball. C. A ball.

( )6. ______ is your grandpa.

A. He B. She C.He’s

( )7. 你想邀请Su Hai吃一块蛋糕, 可以问:

A. Would you like an ice cream, Su Hai?

B. Would you like a cake, Su Hai?

( )8.初次见面时你可以说:

A. Nice to meet you. B. Hello.

( )9.想知道新裙子是什么颜色,你会说:

A. What colour is this new skirt? B.What is this?

( )10.朋友过生日时,你会说:

A. Happy Birthday to you! B. Happy New Year!



John: I like hot dogs.

Amy: I like French fries .

Mom: OK! Here you are . Hot dogs and French fries .

John,Amy: Thank you .

Amy: I like bread .

John: Me too.

Mom: OK! Have some bread.

John,Amy: Thank you .Mom.

Mom: You’re welcome.

( )1、Amy likes hot dogs.

( )2、John likes bread.

( )3、They don’t like French fries.

( )4、They have some bread.

( )5、Mom likes chicken. 


It’s the first day of school.Lily wants to go back to school.She wants to see her friends,She wants to meet her new teachers.

Lily gets up early in the morning.She washes the face and eats the breakfast.Then she rides her bike to school.She seesher friends on the playground.She plays hide-and-seek(捉迷藏) with them.In the classroom,Lily meets her new maths teacher.Her name is Mrs Green.Lily likes Mrs Green.She can speak English very well.Lily thinks she is a nice teacher.


( )1.It’s the first day of the new year.

( )2.Lily wants to meet her friends.

( )3.Lily goes to school by bus.

( )4.Lily’s new teacher is a nice woman.

( )5.Mrs Green is Lily’s English teacher.



duck、 shorts 、noddles、 monkey 、sweater 、draw

shirt、 write 、bread、 drink






( )1.A:What are you doing?

B:We are making_____cake.

A.a   B.an   C.the   D./

( )2.Please ____quiet! Your father is working.

A.is   B.am   C.be   D.are

( )3. Children,please go ____your room!

A.in   B.to   C.and   D.for

( )4.It’s hard____English people to use chopsticks.

A.with   B.to   C.for   D.of

( )5.Do you use chopsticks____England?

A.from   B.in   C.for   D.to

( )6.Amy is a girl.She is playing _____flute.

A.she   B.her   C.hers   D./

( )7.My father is listening _____music.

A.to   B.for   C.at   D.in

( )8.Tom is doing _____homework.

A.he   B.his   C.him   D./

( )9.Mum __

___watching TV now.

A.am   B.are   C.is   D.be

( )10.Let’s make a kite____Tom.

A.to   B.for   C.at   D.of


( )1.What are those?     A.Yes,it can.

( ) 2.What are you doing?     B.Yes,I can.

( ) 3.Can you run fast?     C.Yes,here you are.

( ) 4.Can I have an ice cream?     D.I’m eating chips.

( ) 5.Can this dog run?     E.They are dragoboats.











Sam is an English boy.He is seven years old.His mother is a nurse.His father is a doctor.His grandfather is a teacher of Chinese.Sam doesn’t want to be a teacher or a doctor.He is going to be a policeman.

1.( )Sam is a/an______boy.

A.English   B.Chinese

2.( )His father is a ________.

A.policeman   B.doctor

3.( )His mother is a ______.

A. teacher   B.nurse

4.His ____can speak Chinese.

A.father   B.grandfather

5.Sam is going to be a _______.

A.policeman   B.doctor


一、 下列每组三个单词中,根据它们的意义找出一个与其它两个不同类的单词,把它们的字母编号写在左边的括号中。

( )1、A.red   B.leg   C.black

( )2、A.show   B.touch   C.foot

( )3、A.Zoom   B.ruler   C.Sarah

( )4、A.bag   B.white   C.green

( )5、A.body   B.wave   C.shake


( ) 1.yellow     A、铅笔

( ) 2.bag     B、眼睛

( ) 3.mouth     C、尺子

( ) 4.school     D、黄色的

( ) 5.ruler     E、书包

( )6.finger     F、紫色的

( )7.pencil     G、橡皮

( )8.eye     H、学校

( )9.purple     I、嘴

( )10.eraser     J、手指

三、 出拼写正确的单词,将其编号写在前面的括号里。

( )1. A. epn  B. pen   C. nep

( )2. A. face   B. afce   C. fece

( )3. A. inpk   B. pink   C. pnik

( )4. A. yellow   B. yollew   C. yellew

( )5. A. ereser  B. eraser   C. erasar

四、 在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的答语,把它的编号写在左边的括号中。

( ) 1. Good afternoon.     A. Good morning!

( ) 2. What’s your name?     B. I’m Mike.

( ) 3. Hello!     C. Fine, thank you.

( ) 4. Goodbye!     D. Great!

( ) 5. Let’s go to school!     E. Nice to meet you, too.

( ) 6. Good morning!     F. My name’s John.

( ) 7. How are you?     G. See you!

( ) 8. Nice to meet you.     H. Good afternoon.

( ) 9. Let’s paint!     I. Hi!

( )10.Who are you?     J. OK!



( )1. A. skirt B. shirt C. book

( )2. A. grandpa B. sister C. teacher

( )3. A. he B. she C. mother

( )4. A. red B. colour C. yellow

( )5. A. he B. is C. are


1. mother(对应词)___________ 2. black(对应词)___________

3. to(同音词)___________ 4. he’s(完整形式)___________

5. it is(缩写形式)___________ 6. I’m(完整形式)___________

7. friends(单数形式)___________ 8. she is(缩写形式)___________

9. hi(近义词)___________ 10. see you(近义词)___________


1. 一个鸡蛋___________ 2. my yellow cap___________

3. 什么颜色___________ 4. a green jacket___________

5. 我的奶奶___________ 6. my new T-shirt___________

7. 一条漂亮的裙子___________ 8. a black and white cat___________

9. 我的家庭___________ 10. an orange orange___________


( )1. Look at my shirt. _________.

A. All right. B. It’s nice. C. Thank you.

( )2. ______ is it? It’s red.

A. What B. What colour C. What’s colour

( )3. ________ Alice. She’s ______ friend.

A. She; her B. He’s; my C. She’s; my

( )4. This is _____ new skirt.

A. I B. an C. my

( )5. This is ______egg.

A. a B. an C. /

( )6. Would you like an egg? _________.

A. Yes, I am B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, please.

( )7. Is that your T-shirt? No, __________.

A. it is B. it isn’t C. that is

( )8. Is this your brother? ________.

A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, this is. C. No, he isn’t.

( )9. This is my father. _______________.

A. Nice to meet you. B. Yes, he is. C. Thank you.

( )10. Good evening, Mike. ____________.

A. Good evening. B. Goodbye. C. Good morning.


( )1. 想让别人看自己的新裙子时,你可以说:

A. Look at my skirt. B. Look at my new skirt.

( )2. 告诉奶奶这是你的新帽子时,可以说:

A. Grandma, this is my new cap. B. Grandma, look at my new cap.

( )3. 你看到别人的新夹克后,可以说:

A. It’s nice. B. Look at my jacket.

( )4. 你想问对方的短裙是什么颜色时,可以说:

A. What colour is my skirt? B. What colour is your skirt?

( )5. 你欣赏对方的衣服时,可以说:

A. It’s nice. B. Thank you.


( )1. What colour is my dress? A. Nice to meet you, too.

( )2. Look at my jacket. B. Good morning.

( )3. This is my friend, Tim. C. It’s red.

( )4. Nice to meet you. D. Hello, Tim.

( )5. Good morning. E. It’s nice.



1. ( ) A. plant   B. branches   C. branch

2. ( ) A. tall   B. ball   C. door

3. ( ) A. cow   B. trunk   C. black

4. ( ) A. he   B. me   C. she

5. ( ) A. kite   B. cat   C. cut

6. ( ) A. Miss   B. Mr   C. Mrs

7. ( ) A. beautiful   B. fly   C. ladybird

8. ( ) A. 4132   B. 4231   C. 4312

9. ( ) A. peach   B. banana   C. orange 10.( ) A. red   B. yellow   C. balloon


1.( ) A. I can see a ladybird. B. I can see a butterfly.C. I can see a bird.

2.( ) A. It has roots. B. It has leaves.C. It has branches.

3.( ) A. My nose is small. B. My mouth is small.C. My ears are small.

4.( ) A. What’s this? B. What’s that?C. What’s it?

5.( ) A. How many chicks? B. How many dogs?C. How many pigs?


( )1. A. It’s blue. B. It’s a hall. C. It’s big.

( )2. A. He’s my father. B. She’s my sister. C. She’s my mother.

( )3. A. It’s yellow. B. It is a yellow bird. C. They’re yellow.

( )4. A. Ten. B. Ten yuan. C. Ten, please.

( )5. A. No. B. Yes. C. May I have some apples?

四、判断下列句子是否和录音内容相符(用T表示相符,F表示不相符):10% ( ) 1. It’s rainy.

( ) 2. The boat is white and blue.

( ) 3. The ball is yellow.

( ) 4. The kite is orange and green.

( ) 5. They see many flowers.


--- is it ?

--- It’s a . Look, it’s orange and .

---Yes, it’s , and it can too .



look what are they they’re pigs


1. ( ) __________ are you? I’m ten.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

2. ( ) ______ at the bird, please. A. Look B. Look at C. Clean

3. ( ) The big tree has _________ .

A. root B. roots C. a root

4. ( ) _______ is the toilet? It’s here.

A. What B. Who C. Where

5. ( ) Look at the insect. It is an ________.

A. ladybird B. ant C. bee

6. ( ) What are they? They are ______.

A. branch B. branchs C. branches

7. ( ) Count the ________. How many? One _______.

A. duck…duck B. pigs…pig C. chicks…chicks

8. ( ) -Is this the hall? -______________.

A. No, it’s the library B. No, it’s the hall C. Yes, it’s the toilet

9. ( ) I can see _______ insect. It’s a bee. A. a B. an C. the

10.( ) The boy _____ in the library.

A. is B. am C. are


at buy orange Clean long bananas That leaf my has

1. An , please.

2. Look the bird. It’s small.

3. ladybird is beautiful.

4. the table, please.

5. The plant a flower.

6. I’m an elephant. My nose is .

7. May I have some ?

8. This is pencil.

9. I can see a on the plant.

10. They a toy. It’s a ball.

四、根据要求改变句子:10% 1. They are chicks. (对划线部分提问)

What ?

2. Is this a playground? (肯定句)

a playground.

3. This is a bee. (对划线部分提问)


4. Is that our classroom? (否定回答)

, isn’t.

5. It is black and red. (对划线部分提问)

is it?

五、完成对话,一格一词: 5%

-- Good morning. Can I help you?

-- May I some , please?

-- How peaches?

-- peaches. How ?

--Ten yuan.

六、 问答句配对: 5% ( ) 1. Thank you.            A. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. What colour is the butterfly? B. No, I don’t. I like bees.

( ) 3. May I have a ball, Mum?      C. You’re welcome.

( ) 4. Is this a butterfly?         D. It’s red and purple.

( ) 5. Do you like butterflies?     E. Sure.