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  Will your friends be there for you?

  Friends also play a key role in helping us through the toughest times, of course.Socially isolated women with breast cancer are more likely to die from the illness because of the lack of care-giving and support from friends and family, according to a study at the University of California.

  'The benefits of friendships become even more important as we grow older, when events such as bereavement, divorce and people moving away, can reduce our social circle,' says clinical psychologist Sukie Bilkhu at Priory's Wellbeing Centre in Southampton. 'Close friendships provide us with an increased sense of belonging and self-worth that is incredibly important for our mental health and wellbeing.'


  What are your friendship needs?

  Another factor to bear in mind is that we all have different friendship needs. 'The need for friends as we get older really varies according to each person's life experiences,' says Bilkhu. 'Some people value close-knit friends to help alleviate loneliness, while others feel happy and content in their own company. There are some who don't feel the need for any friendship "circles" as their immediate family fulfill this need. The key point is there is no "ideal" number of friends. What matters is the value a person places on friendships.'

  Interestingly, intelligence may also play a part in defining our friendship needs, according to a new study published in the British Journal of Psychology.

  Researchers found that the more social interactions with close friends a person had, the greater their self-reported happiness tended to be.


  Should you make more friends?

  'The key is to explore what's really important in your life,' Bilkhu advises. 'If having large friendship circles isn't something that fulfils your psychological, physiological and emotional needs, you can explore other avenues instead. This might mean refreshing or rejuvenating your relationship with your partner or family, or developing relationships in other ways such as through music, writing, art, nature, healthy living or spirituality.'

  Indeed, having lots of friends doesn't necessarily make you happier or more fulfilled. It's worth remembering that friendships can also be a source of stress and conflict. Those old 'playground feelings' can still rear their heads on occasion: we've allfelt let-down, ignored or insulted (however mildly) by friends from time to time.

  So is it better to focus on a handful of close friendships? Or should we try to make new friends wherever we go? 'An alternative way to look at it is to be open to new possibilities of connecting with others,' says Bilkhu. 'As we grow older, we become stuck in our ways and can limit our potential for personal growth. So give yourself opportunities to "connect" wherever you are. And if friendships are high on your list of priorities, remain open to forging new ones. But remember, there are plenty of other ways to be happy and content.'


  Friends also play a key role in helping us through the toughest times, of course.


  Socially isolated women


  lack of care-giving and support from friends and family


  The benefits of friendships become even more important as we grow older, when events such as bereavement, divorce and people moving away, can reduce our social circle

  随着我们年龄的增长友谊的好处变得更加重要, 丧亲之痛,离婚和人们远离等事件可以减少我们的社交圈。

  Close friendships provide us with an increased sense of belonging and self-worth that is incredibly important for our mental health and wellbeing.


  The need for friends as we get older really varies according to each person's life experiences.


  Some people value close-knit friends to help alleviate loneliness, while others feel happy and content in their own company.


  Researchers found that the more social interactions with close friends a person had, the greater their self-reported happiness tended to be.


  If having large friendship circles isn't something that fulfils your psychological, physiological and emotional needs, you can explore other avenues instead. This might mean refreshing or rejuvenating your relationship with your partner or family, or developing relationships in other ways such as through music, writing, art, nature, healthy living or spirituality.


  It's worth remembering that friendships can also be a source of stress and conflict.


  felt let-down, ignored or insulted


  to be open to new possibilities of connecting with others


  As we grow older, we become stuck in our ways and can limit our potential for personal growth. So give yourself opportunities to "connect" wherever you are.


  If friendships are high on your list of priorities, remain open to forging new ones. But remember, there are plenty of other ways to be happy and content.

  如果友谊是高的优先级别, 那就对交新朋友保持开放的心态。但请记住,保持开心和满足还有很多其他的方式。


  适用题目:It is not a good thing to move to a new town or country because you will lose contact with your old friends.










