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  Some people believe that the healthcare should be free for everyone,while others say that people should pay for their own health care. Discuss both sides and give your opinion 有人认为健康医疗对于每一个公民应该免费,有人认为个人应该承担医疗费用,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。



  Some people say that the government should pay for the health care and education of its citizens, but other people say that it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss the two opinions and give your views. 有人认为政府应该给公民的教育和医疗买单,有人认为这不是政府的责任,讨论两种观点,说明你的立场?




  ① 公民是纳税人,有享受免费医疗的权利。政府是人民利益的代表,普及免费医疗可以还利于民。

  ② 政府的医疗上的援助可以使得很多患病的,同时来自贫困家庭的人得到及时的治疗,这有助于提高政府的威信,以及增强民众的民族自豪感。

  ③ 普及免费医疗可以公民的健康指数,因此提高国民的基本素质,增强一个国家在国际舞台的竞争力。


  ① 政府的财政有限,但是,要解决的民生问题是无穷的,完全普及免费医疗会无疑增加政府的财政压力。

  ② 对比普及免费的医疗,政府还要解决更重要的民生问题,例如改善环境,加强基础设施建设,普及教育,这些更加需要政府经济援助。


  【首段】 背景介绍 + 作家立场

  The government, as a decision-maker, is the representative of citizen’s basic interests. Hence, every governmental policy willsurely exert a profound influence on the further prosperity of the nation. From my perspective,people have a basic right to free heath-care as a necessary condition of a proper human life. However,properly allocate the medical budget should be advocated.


  Virtually,every individual could become beneficiaries of a perfect health-care resources. First, as honorable tax-payer, every citizen has been making his or her unique contribution to the nation. Thereby, to spend money on free healthcare should be considered as a returned favor. Also, as for those who are living under the poverty line and suffering from the agonies of various diseases, they might even fail to afford a small proportion of their medical care expenses. Therefore, the government should be urged to sponsor those who are in need of medical help. Imaginably, it could stabilize the society and enhance the government’s prestige. Eventually, to provide citizens with free medical care could, to a large extent, promote citizens’ health index and thusimprove the basic quality of a nation’s population.


  Others, however, might think differently. First, some opponents argue that ever-rising heath costs were matched against static or declining resources. In this sense, excessive investment medical treatment will inevitably impose much pressure upon a government economically. Another argument hold by some people is that the government has more pressing social problems that need to render more concerns over. In other words, to popularize free education, perfect the construction of the infrastructure or safeguard the environment still needs governmental support.


  In closing, my stand is that health-care should be considered as one of the fundamental social welfare. Therefore, it is the unshakable obligation to every government to ensure that adequate healthcare is provided out of public purse.


  1. medical treatment = healthcare = medical care 医疗

  2. spend money on = make investment in = allocate financial budget to sth 投资于……

  3. surely exert a profound influence on 对于……产生深远的影响

  4. From my perspective, people have a basic right to free heath-care as a necessary condition of a proper human life. 我认为,享受免费的医疗是公民的一项基本权利。

  5. properly allocate the medical budget should be advocated 合理分配医疗预算应该被提倡

  6. to spend money on free healthcare should be considered as a returned favor. 普及免费医疗是还利于民

  7. Therefore, the government should be urged to do sth 政府理应做……

  8. Virtually,every individual could become beneficiaries of a sound healthcare. 实际上,任何人都可以成为完备医疗的受益者。

  9. stabilize the society and enhance the government’s prestige 稳定社会,提高政府的威信力

  10. promote citizens’ health index and thus improve the basic quality of a nation’s population 提高公民健康指数,因此提高一个国家公民的基本素质

  11. health-care should be considered as one of the fundamental social welfare 医疗应该被当作是一项基本的社会福利

  12. enable those who suffering from various illnesses to receive fine therapy 使患者接受良好的治疗

  13. ever-rising heath costs were matched against static or declining resources. 日益增加的健康费用和有限的下降的资源是矛盾

  14. impose much pressure on the government economically 给政府增加了经济压力

  15. the government has more pressing social problems that need to render more concerns over 政府有有更紧迫社会问题要优先考虑

  16. popularize free education and perfect the construction of the infrastructure普及免费的教育和完善基础设施

  17. Therefore, it is the unshakable obligation to every government to ensure that……因此,政府保障……是其不可推卸的责任

  18. adequate healthcare is provided out of public purse 由公共财政预算提供充足的医疗



  Some people think the government should ban dangerous sports and some others think it is a freedom to choose the activities we want to. Discuss both view and give your opinion. 有人认为政府应该限制危险性的运动,有人认为人人有权利选择自己喜爱的运动。讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。(2011年7月30日 = 2014年8月9日)



  【作家立场】 人生没有冒险就不能称其为人生(支持极限运动)。


  首段:背景介绍 + 作家立场



  尾段:再次亮明观点 + 提出建议


  ① 极限运动危险运动的类型:

  1. bungee jumping n蹦极

  2. paragliding n跳伞

  3. surfing n海上冲浪

  4. scuba-diving = deep sea diving n 深海潜水

  5. rock climbing n攀岩

  ② 极限运动之多元表达:

  1. run the risk of doing sth v冒险做……

  2. dangerous sports activities n危险性体育运动

  3. challenging sports events n充满挑战性的竞技体育

  4. extreme adventures n极限运动

  5. extreme sports n极限运动

  ③ 支持极限运动:

  1. forge one’s fortitude v铸造人的坚韧性

  2. chasten one’s tenacity v 磨练人的顽强

  3. foster one’s frustration toleration v培养人的挫折忍受能力

  4. If they are banned,then many sports would go underground. 如果被限制,很多体育项目会消失。

  5. surpass oneself v 超越自我

  ④ 反对极限运动:

  1. suffer from injuries or even deaths v 遭遇伤害甚至死亡

  2. become an excuse for violence v成为暴力的借口

  ⑤ 作家立场:

  1. Greater attempts should be made to prevent accidents or injuries v 我们应该做出努力预防以外事故和伤害

  2. ensure sports are challenging, exciting and amusing v 确保运动是充满挑战,令人兴奋,使人愉快的。


  {首段}:背景介绍 + 作家立场

  Such is human nature to explore the unknown. A trend is that numerous people are keen on embarking on challenging sports events such as mountain biking, rock climbing or scuba diving , especially among those dynamic young adults. My stand is that we should pursue excitement and sense of refreshment in the dull routine daily life. After all, life without risk is no life at all.

  【解析】:Life without risk is no life at all 人生没有冒险就不能称其为人生。


  Granted, many virtues could be gained via undertaking those risky sports activities. Primarily, the extreme adventures can be taken as an effective way to help players relieve their pressure and vent their negative emotions, for the occupied modern life often deprives one’s right of seeking relaxation. The popularity of bungee jumping accounts for risky sports’ significant function in terms of reducing stress. Imaginably, one’s working efficiency could be highly enhanced after doing his or her favorite sports events. Moreover, not only can the extreme adventures exert wholesome impacts , but it also could foster one’s skills, chasten one’s tenacity and forge one’s frustration toleration. Some extreme adventures, such as rock climbing and surfing, requires high techniques or much stamina . Ultimately, the extreme adventures could be developed into tempting tourism items, which could generate immense economic value.


  1.The extreme adventures can be taken as an effective way to help players relieve their pressure and vent their negative emotions. 极限运动是一种很好的方式去帮助运动者缓解压力,释放不良情绪。

  2. It also could foster one’s skills, chasten one’s tenacity and forge one’s frustration toleration. 极限运动同意可以培养人的技能,磨练人的坚韧,铸造人的挫折忍受能力。


  Nonetheless, problems invariably ensue. One possible downside is that some perilous sports activities might become the roots of injuries and agonies. There exist high levels of injuries, which sometimes disables players and even ruins their lives. Another adverse aspect is that some intense extreme sports are merely an excuse for violence. To illustrate, boxing involves excessive violence and bloody contents so that it adversely influences adolescent Television viewers, namely, it might arouse their sadistic impulses.


  1. Some intense extreme sports are merely an excuse for violence. 一些极限运动也许会成为暴力的借口。

  2. It might arouse their sadistic impulses. 极限运动也许会诱发一个人施虐的冲动。

  {尾段}:再次亮明观点 + 提出建议

  Personally, I encourage the extreme adventures, for it symbolizes freedom, so it is citizens’ elementary right to opt for his or her favorite sports activities. Attempts should be made to ensure risky sports events are thrilling, amusing and profit-making, however, to prevent accidents and injuries is highly recommended(328)


  Attempts should be made to ensure risky sports events are thrilling, amusing and profit-making. 我们应该做出努力去保证极限运动是刺激的、有趣的、盈利的。



  In some cities, the government has tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive or negative? 在一些城市,政府试图缓解交通压力,例如,征收高峰期通行费,你认为有力还是有弊?(2016年1月30日)


  Drivers should pay a certain amount of fees so that they can be permitted to drive out in traffic busy time. Do you agree or disagree the statement? (2008年7月12日 = 2007年1月14日)


  【作家立场】 我支持司机们应当支付一定的费用,取得“城市高峰通行许可证”,才能在高峰期间上路。



  ① 这种做法可以有效地缓解交通拥堵的压力,同时,这可以有效地缓解空气污染和噪音污染。

  ② 这种做法可以节省职场人士上下班的交通时间。


  ① 即使是每天付少量费用,也会增加司机经济的压力,但是,我想反驳的是:等候的时间的油料消耗可能比支付的交通通行费更高。


  【首段】背景介绍 + 作家立场

  Going through the rush hours is a tiresome business. The prevalence of various public transport has led to severe traffic congestion,especially during the rush hours. Being stuck in the long queues of vehicles seems to be a big headache for many city dwellers. Personally speaking, it is about time governments adopted effective measures, drivers should be charged when they need to drive out in a heavy traffic, which will exert a really positive impact on reducing the serious traffic conditions.

  【二段】 第一次支持作家立场

  For a start, paying some permission fees could decrease the incidence of going through the busy traffic. To be more specific, some drivers would be unwilling to drive their cars in order to save money when they have no urgent things. Hence,this will mitigate the pressure of heavy traffic congestion. Further, the decreasing number of cars will also purify the air and reduce the noise. As a result, the living quality of the whole city will be greatly optimized, citizens will enjoy a cleaner environment.

  【三段】 第二次支持作家立场

  This debate reminds me of my own city. Our city government has fewer policies in terms of tackling the pressure of traffic congestion, which negatively influences people’s normal work. The large amount of release of exhaust gas has deteriorated the environment. Even worse, long time wait will ruin the drivers’ moods. Consequently, some people might fail to happily perform their working tasks when they arrive at the workplace. By contrast, the fee from drivers increases the governmental income so that more financial budget could be allocated to perfecting the traffic conditions. Specifically, the government could build more over-bridges to reduce the pressure of traffic jam.

  【四段】 让步向司机收费的弊端 + 加以反驳

  Granted, I have to concede that this policy might impose much pressure upon the drivers economically. If they pay even limited amount of money every day, then there will be large sums of money as a whole. What I want to rebut, however, is that in time of a traffic jam, the oil consumption is much more than that of driving a slowly moving car. The cost of gasoline may be even expensive than the counterpart people pay for driving permission.

  【尾段】 再次亮明观点

  In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that it is worthwhile to ask for driving permission fees when the traffic is busy.


  1. is a tiresome business 是一件很让人心烦的事情

  2. the prevalence of various public transport 各种公共交通工具的普及

  3. serious traffic congestion = severe traffic jam = a heavy traffic 严重的交通拥堵

  4. driving permission 交通通行费

  5. should be charged 应该被收费

  6. the rush hours 上下班的高峰期

  7. drive through 乘车穿过

  8. impose much pressure upon the drivers economically 增加了司机的经济压力

  9. exert a really positive impact on 对于……施加利好的影响

  10. decrease the incidence of 减少……发生的机率

  11. mitigate the pressure of heavy traffic congestion 缓解交通拥堵的压力

  12. release of exhaust gas 废气的释放

  13. ruin the drivers’ moods 使司机的心情变坏

  14. Charging traffic jam fees will definitely help ease the pressure of heavy traffic. 收取交通阻碍费一定可以帮助缓解交通的压力。

  15. During the busy traffic time,it is a wise attempt to encourage drivers to pay a certain amount of fees to perfect current traffic conditions. 为改善当前的交通状况,在交通高峰时段,向司机收取一定的费用是明智的尝试。



  Someone believes that a tax-payer has done his part as a citizen. However, someone believes that a citizen should assume other responsibilities. Discuss both views and present your opinion. 有人认为纳税者就已经尽到了公民责任,有认为认为公民应该承担其他责任,讨论两种观点?(2010年10月30日)



  1. 公民纳税是自我价值的实现以及对社会的贡献。

  2. 更多的财政预算可以用来提供给公民更好的社会福利,例如,推广免费的教育和医疗,以及加强基础设施的建设。


  1. 在必要时候去服兵役以保卫祖国,体现的是一个人的爱国情怀。

  2. 遵纪守法

  3. 良好的环保意识,保护环境人人有责。


  1. good citizens = highly qualified citizens = excellent citizens = well-behaved citizens n 好公民

  2. honorable tax-payer n光荣的纳税人

  3. increase governmental income v 增加政府收入

  4. multiply the governmental revenue增加政府税收

  5. …… is the embodiment of the realization of self-value and the donation to the community …… 是自我价值的实现以及对社会的贡献

  6. It is the unshakable / compelling / compulsory duty of every citizen to pay taxes纳税是每个公民不可推卸的义务。

  7. More financial budget could be allocated to provide citizens with more beneficial social welfare such as popularizing free education and medical treatment or strengthening the constructions of infrastructure. 更多的财政预算可以用来提供给公民更好的社会福利,例如,推广免费的教育和医疗,以及加强基础设施的建设。

  8. have other indispensable responsibilities to play v 还有其他不可推卸的责任

  9. serve other more far-reaching social functions 履行其他的意义深远的社会职能。

  10. strengthen /intensify / reinforce one’s environmental protection awareness v 加强环保意识

  11. reinforce one’s law-abiding / lawful awareness v 加强守法意识

  12. patriotism n.爱国心,爱国精神

  13. embark on military service to safeguard one’s motherland when necessary v 在必要时候去服兵役以保卫祖国

  14. abide by the law = observe the law v 守法

  15. Ideal citizens should both perfectly act as the role of tax-payers and willingly serve other more profound social functions such as undertaking military service, strengthening one’s lawful and eco-friendly awareness. 理想的社会公民不仅仅是光荣的纳税者,还应该履行其他社会职能,例如服兵役,加强环保和守法意识。






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