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  Being an under-buyer, as opposed to an over-buyer, I don't generally have much trouble avoiding overspending. I have more trouble prodding1 myself to make the effort to buy things I actually need.


  Nevertheless, even with my under-buying ways, I sometimes come home with something I didn't really need to buy. Stores use extremely clever strategies to winkle customers into making purchases. Here are some strategies to make sure you don't make purchases you regret:


  1. Be wary2 of the check-out areas. There are lots of enticing3 little items here; ask yourself if you really need something before you add it to your pile. How many times have I picked up a jar of Balmex?


  2. Get in and get out. The more time you spend in a store, the more you're likely to buy. Even better: don't even go in the store. Then you definitely won't buy.


  3. Question the need for an upgrade. You might want that device with a slick new function, or to get the improved version of what you have now, but do you really need it?


  4. Be polite to salespeople4, but don't feel like they're your new best friends. Don't buy something because you're worried about hurting their feelings or having made them do a lot of work helping5 you or explaining products to you. (At the same time, be respectful of clerks' efforts. The other day, I was in Gap Kids, and I saw someone rifle through a pile of beautifully stacked shirts in a way that meant that they'd all have to be re-folded. Was he malicious6 or oblivious7? I couldn't tell.)

  对销售人员要礼貌,但别把他们当成你新结识的最要好的朋友。不要因为担心伤害到他们的感情而去购买,也别因为他们的努力帮助或解说就非得买某样东西。(同时,还是要对店员的努力表示尊重。几天前,我在Gap Kids,发现有个人把一堆叠得整整齐齐的衬衫翻得乱七八糟,弄得每件都要重新叠过。他是恶作剧还是不自觉? 我不知道。)

  5. Don't shop when you're in a hurry or when you're hungry.


  6. Stick to a list. I've found that after I've decided8 to buy one thing, I'm far more likely to throw in other impulse items, because I know that I'm committed to going through the hassle of paying.


  7. Beware of sale items, which make you feel like you can't afford not to buy, or limited-time offers, which make you feel like you have to take advantage of a special deal. If you don't need or want something, it's not a good deal, not matter how cheap it is. A friend of mine told her husband, "I got this 50% off!" and he answered, “That means it was 50% ON.” Along the same lines…


  8. Don't buy anything that you don't know you need – this is especially important with clothes. If you're not careful, you can buy a pair of pants marked down 75%, then realize that you can't really wear them unless you buy the right shoes to go with them.


  9. Choose cash or credit card. Some people find it far harder to spend actual physical cash; other people find that paying cash makes a purchase seem trivial, even when the dollar amount is high. Know whether you're more inclined to overspend with cash or credit cards – and leave that payment method at home.



  As someone who writes about happiness, I'm often challenged to answer these three questions:


  1. How do I define "happiness," anyway?


  2. Instead of happiness, which is fleeting/deceptive/egotistical/illusory, isn't the real goal to achieve joy/contentment/satisfaction/peace/self-realization or [fill in the blank]?


  3. How can we agree on what it means to achieve these states? What I mean by happiness might not be what you mean by happiness. You say happiness is a warm puppy; I say happiness is living alone in a cabin at Walden Pond; etc.

  对于我们而言,实现这些状态意味着什么呢? 我对快乐的定义和你的不一样。你说快乐是一只温暖的小狗;我说快乐是独自住在Walden Pond的一间小木屋里面;等等。

  In law school, we spent an entire semester discussing the meaning of a "contract," and I know all too well how a term can elude1 you as you try to define it. For the purposes of my happiness project, I decided2 not to worry about definitions too much. In scholarship, there's merit in defining terms precisely3, and one positive psychology4 study identified fifteen different academic definitions of happiness, but when it came to my project, spending a lot of energy exploring the distinctions among "contentment," "positive affect," "subjective5 well-being," "hedonic tone," and a myriad6 of other terms didn't seem necessary. I decided instead to follow the hallowed tradition set by Supreme7 Court Justice Potter Stewart, who defined obscenity by saying, "I know it when I see it."


  I think it's enough to think about being "happier." Even if we don't agree about what it means to be happy, we can agree that whatever happiness means, it would be nice to be happier. I think the looseness of the term happiness is actually helpful; it's a concept large enough to embrace many different perspectives.


  I suspect that one reason that people try to avoid using the word "happiness" is that happiness has a bad reputation. It's often associated with superficiality, self-absorption, narcissism8, and pleasure-seeking. (As in Woody Allen's movie Annie Hall, when Alvy asks a happy couple how they account for their happiness, and the woman answers, "I am very shallow and empty, and I have no ideas and nothing interesting to say," and the man agrees, "I'm exactly the same way.")

  我怀疑人们在回避用“快乐”这个词的原因是“快乐”的名声不好。它往往和浅薄、自我沉迷、自恋和享乐相关。(正如在Woody Allen的电影Annie Hall中一样,当Alvy问一对快乐的男女如何解释快乐,女的说:“我很浅薄、空洞,我没看法,我说不出什么有意思的东西。男的附和:“我也正是如此。”)

  In fact, however, studies show that happiness doesn't make people complacent9 or self-centered. Rather, happier people are more likely to volunteer, to give away money, to persist in problem-solving, to help others, and to be friendly.


  One study showed that, all over the world, when asked what they want most from life — and what they most want for their children – people answered that they want happiness. I know when I feel happy. Trying to be happier – that's good enough for me, without a precise definition.





乱花钱会让人不快乐这个问题比一年前波及面更广了。买了东西又后悔让人感到非常不愉快。接下来,小编给大家准备了防止乱花钱的方法,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 防止乱花钱的方法 Being an under-buyer, as opposed to an over-buyer, I dont


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