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  Describe a famous person that you are interested in.

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  How you got to know this person

  What sort of life he/she had before he/she became famous

  How this person became famous

  And explain why you like this person

  How do people become famous?

  What qualities do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?

  Do you think people are famous as a result of their real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?


  1 founder 创始人

  Off the top of my head, I guess I would have to say Jack Ma. I'm not sure if you've heard of him, but he's the founder of Alibaba, and one of the most successful businessmen in the country. And I basically admire him for everything that he'd achieved, especially as I think he had to deal with rejection early on in his career. So, yeah, I'd say he's probably my favourite celebrity here in China.

  我脑子里先想到的就是马爸爸,我不知道你有没有听过哈,反正是阿里巴巴的创始人,算是我们国家最成功的商人之一了。 差不多他的每一项成就我都很佩服了,特别是我想到他早期遇到的那些被拒绝的经历。所以可以说马爸爸可能是我最喜欢的中国名人了吧。

  2 have lots of VIP treatment travelling around the world 周游世界的时候有很多VIP待遇

  Obviously it would be nice to be adored everywhere you go, and have lots of VIP treatment travelling around the world. That would be quite nice! 显然走在哪里都被崇拜,这很赞呀,而且在全世界旅行都会有VIP待遇,这多好呀。

  3 lack of privacy 没有隐私

  But I think there would be a lot of downsides as well, for example lack of privacy, the paparazzi. So I think all things considered, I wouldn't want to be a celebrity. 我觉得当明星有很多不好吧,比方说没有隐私,狗仔队跟着之类的。所以我觉得所有事情考虑下来,我还是不要成为一个明星吧。

  4 have been to a few pop concerts 去过一些明星演唱会

  I don't actually think I have met a celebrity. It would be nice to, but up to now I can't say that I've had the pleasure of meeting any! I mean, I've been to a few pop concerts and seen some famous singers perform, but I don't think that really counts, as I've never actually met a celebrity up close or shaken their hand or anything.


  5 go intruding into one's private life 侵犯隐私

  Yeah, without a doubt, cos I think privacy is something that everyone should have, regardless of who they are. So just because someone's famous, I don't think that gives us the right to go intruding into one's private life!毫无疑问,我觉得每个人都应该有隐私,不管他们是谁。并不会因为人家是明星就能侵犯人家的个人生活。

  6 rub off on one's fans 感染,影响粉丝

  I guess their general behaviour may also have some kind of influence on their fans. So for example, if a celebrity conducts himself well, then it's probably gonna rub off on his fans and have a positive effect on them, and vice versa. 我觉得他们的行为可能也在一定程度上影响粉丝吧。比方说, 一个明星有很好的行为举止,这就可能会感染粉丝。反之亦然。



  OK, I’m gonna talk about the South Africa president- Zuma. There was a time I saw a video of him speaking in public, you know how English is not his first language, but the thing is, he has always wanted to try to speak it. It literally took him half a minute to say the words ‘in the beginning’. He tried so many times and still couldn’t pronounce it. The best part is that every time he failed saying it, he would wiggle his body to defuse the embarrassment. Every single time I saw this video, I would laugh till my belly hurt.

  Generally speaking, we would expect the leader of a country to be more serious, you know, at least practice the speech or have a translator with you for the important occasions like that. But the way he behaves, is just very endearing. It's absolutely more fascinating than those who follow the conventional way of delivering a speech.


  1. literally adv. 不夸张地说,简直

  2. wiggle v. 扭动

  3. defuse the embarrassment 化解尴尬

  4. laughed till my belly hurt 笑到肚子疼

  5. fascinate v. 迷住,使神魂颠倒

  6. conventional way 传统标准

  2016年雅思口语必备高频Part2话题参考答案--Describe a famous person


  Describe a famous person you know.

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  How you know this person

  And explain why you want to meet him/her.


  关于“A famous person”这个话题卡,个人建议最简单的方法是从职业入手。famous person 一定有自己的职业,他在自己的职业领域一定有一些成就。我们可以谈一些已故的伟人邓小平、周恩来.....也可以说一些当代的有很大贡献的名人马云,雷军...国外的有爱因斯坦,国内的有钱学森,各种各样的例子,选一个自己谈论起来比较擅长的就可以。


  “Who the person is”









  Sample answer:

  I am from Australia and Hugh Jackman is one of the most famous persons in my country. His full name is Hugh Michael Jackman and he was born in 1968. He is a famous and critically acclaimed actor, producer and revered superstar for his superb performance in TV, film and musical theatre.

  He is well known for the superhero character Wolverine in the X-Men series and his leading roles in many well-known movies like Australia, Kate & Leopold, Les Misérables, Van Helsing, The Prestige, Real Steel, and Prisoners.

  I mention specifically him because I’m a big fan of his acting and performance. I have seen almost all of his movies and TV serials and consider him to one of the world’s most prominent actors alive.

  He was born in Sydney, New South Wales, and graduated from University of Technology, Sydney, in 1991 with a BA in Communications.

  He is a philanthropist and is an active supporter for micro-credit. He is also one of the founders and the global advisor for the Global Poverty Project. Besides he is an ambassador of World Vision and participated in the climate week NYC ceremony. He is also an active supporter and donator for different charity and social welfare programs.

  Through his acting, fame and donation he is trying to fight poverty and is trying to help the people in need. That's a great way of extending hand for people in need and can be exemplary for others.

  He is a world renowned actor and is revered by his countrymen. Through his acting he has increased the impression of an Australian born actor and through his charity and philanthropic activity he is helping others.

  Related cue cards:

  1. Describe a political leader you admire.

  2.Describe a writer you know about.

  3.Describe a successful person from your country.

  4.Talk about a person who has great contribution in your country.



  In my list there are so many famous persons whom I dream to meet and spend some time with. There are several scientists, actors, actress, political leaders, poets, IT specialists, business founders, sports person, writers and journalists in this list but Paulo Coelho is the person whom I would like to meet first.

  He is a famous Brazilian lyricist and novelist who has become one of the most widely read authors in the world. I am a great fan of his writing, enjoyed and deeply touched by most of his writing and that's why want to meet him in person to talk about those stories and to know about the person who actually has got a brilliant way of storytelling.

  I read the book 'Alchemist' by him more than once and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is an inspiring and thought provoking book and the writer has been able to tell the story in a fascinating way. This book has been translated in 67 different languages and has got numerous positive and critically acclaimed reviews. I know very little about the man behind this amazing stories and that's why I want to meet him - to know more about him. I place him in a highly esteemed position. I have enjoyed his many books including 'The Alchemist', 'The Valkyries', 'Eleven Minutes', 'The Zahir’ so much that I wanted to meet the person who wrote those truly amazing stories.

  Writers are dream-catchers and possess a magical power of blending the truth and imagination to create a story. Storytelling and giving them lives is a very difficult task. Paulo Coelho is a gifted writer who can easily absorb readers' attention to his powerful stories. His books are real page turner and would always make the reader to desire to read more. I have been so mesmerized by his story that I would like to meet the real person who tells us the stories. I'd like to know his thoughts and opinions on many things and would like to spend some time with one of my very favorite writers.

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  Describe a famous sports person you know about.

  Describe a famous celebrity in your country.

  Describe a person you want to spend time with.




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